

Catherine Sorensen
     Email: MeadowlandDesigns(at)yahoo(dot)com

How We Wear Them – Featuring…You!

Over the years, I’ve been asked for suggestions on how to wear/style my jewelry & while I’ve done a few inspiration posts on the blog, my own personal style is going to be different from anyone else’s. So, I thought I would do a series on the blog that showcases all the people who wear the jewelry & that means you can help!

We’d love to see what you wear your Meadowland Designs jewelry with! Send us a picture of your outfit & we’ll share it on the blog. How do you benefit? Style inspiration for all & hopefully from a wide variety of tastes.

Note: Any kind of outfit is fine (everyday, church, special events…etc.) & a quick phone shot is also perfectly acceptable. By sending in a picture, you are giving us permission to use it on the blog & make it visible for anyone to see. Please use discretion in choosing a picture & check with your parents first. =) Aside from the picture, the only personal information I put in the posts would be just your first name.